It's still cold out there, we still have snow on the ground and more may be forecast. You may still have no money from Christmas and be looking forward to next month's paycheck. Here's a great way to save money.
Do you buy free range chicken? I try to, but the cost is very expensive. If I can use the chicken for more than one meal then it makes more economic sense. Of course you can use a normal cheap chicken for this too and it still goes further than previously.
You can roast the chicken and enjoy it for Sunday lunch. I usually buy the biggest bird I can find and that means that there are leftovers.
We use the remainder of the chicken to make stock. The bird is stripped of the meat and the carcass is put in the slow cooker with a quartered onion, a chopped carrot and a good amount of water (depending on the size of your slow cooker). Discard the skin which will add fat to your stock. You can add salt and pepper, herbs such as parsley and a bay leaf according to your taste. Slow cook for about 4-6 hours.
When you feel that the stock is ready, you can strain it and either freeze it or use it to make delicious home-made soups or even risottos. I will post some more recipes to use this stock in the coming weeks.
The supermarkets have all caught on to this idea that stock is great for healthy home cooking and sell it in packets, but it is easy to make your own and helps make that expensive food go a little further too.