Monday, 24 January 2011

Recipe for Quiche

Quiche is one of the easiest family meals that you can make, and you can use the shortcrust pastry that you learned how to make last time.

I use wholemeal flour for my quiche pastry - it adds a nutty flavour.


wholemeal or white flour shortcrust pastry made with 4oz flour to 2 oz cooking margerine or butter (see previous recipe)

four eggs

bacon, tomatoes, onion, mushrooms or any other filling you wish to use to flavour the quiche. For this purpose I am going to use bacon and cheese.

2 oz cheddar, medium or mature adds a nice flavour


Make the pastry. Lightly wipe sunflower oil over the dish to grease it using kitchen roll then line it with the pastry.

Cut the bacon into pieces and fry it in a little oil until crispy. Add on top of the pastry.

Grate the cheese into the dish.

Beat the four eggs and tip into the dish. Make sure that they cover all corners of the quiche pastry.

Put in the oven at temperature 190 degrees C or gas mark 6 for about 20 minutes. The eggs should have risen and filled out the pastry case.

This easy recipe can be served with boiled potatoes and peas or salad for a healthy family meal.
