Thursday, 3 December 2009

NanoWrimo Rules

I won NanoWrimo this year for the second year running!

NanoWrimo is a yearly event. You write a 50,000 word novel during the 30 days of November. if you manage this monumental task, then you qualify for a free proof from Create Space. Highly recommended if your husband has lots of films he wants to watch for a month!

Downside: I could get used to this nightly writing lark and he's now used to controlling the telly!!


  1. congratulations! I won too, this was my first year!
    Felt really satisfying when I saw that winner badge and I'll definitely be doing it again next year.

  2. Happy Christmas and Congratulations.

  3. Thank you both! Ha! This is a lesson to explore my blog more often - just saw these in September 2010!!
