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Using a slow cooker is one of the best tips I can give. They come in family-sized these days and are not too expensive. Mine is an oval 6.5 litre slow cooker and it can fit a medium chicken!
We took ours on holiday this year and it was great to come home after a day out to a ready-cooked meal. You use the ingredients from scratch, and can use cheaper cuts of meat as the soaking for four to eight hours really makes it tender. There are plenty of slow cooker recipe books out there to choose from, but many recipes can be adapted that you already do. The chilli recipe mentioned on the last post for example.
A slow cooker recipe
Try this:
Sweet and Sour porkLean boneless pork (enough for your family)
Plain flour
2 or 3 carrots
4 table spoons wine vinegar
4 tablespoons soy sauce
4 tablespoons tomato puree
pineapple juice (from tin of pineapple rings)
pineapple rings (add about half hour from end, chopped up)
2 tablespoons brown sugar
water (just enough to cover about 3/4 of ingredients in the slow cooker)
Coat the pork in the flour and then brown the meat in a frying pan. Soften the vegetables next, then add everything to the pot. Some slow cookers recommend heating the pot first - so check instructions.
The meal should take about four hours on high and about six hours on medium.
Either bring home some nice Chinese microwave rice or put it with some easy cook rice boiled for about 15 minutes (or whatever it says on the packet).
Mmmm. Just off to get some pork...!
Do leave your favourite recipe ideas on the Healthy Home Cooking blog.